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About me


Welcome to my website

I'm Kim, a French Canadian living in the beautiful city of Bath. 


I originally trained and worked as nurse in Canada and in France, until I fell upon ceramics 5 years ago. Céci Céramiques comes from the name of my daughter, Cécilia. I discovered ceramics when I was pregnant and living in Montpellier in the South of France and was looking for something to do to meet people and keep me occupied during my maternity leave. I stumbled upon Keramon, a beautiful little studio on a small cobbled street in the town centre and instantly fell in love with ceramics the minute I set foot in the studio.

Everything I make is hand built (no use of the potter's wheel) and my creations are therefore always a bit different in sizes, colours and shapes. I like creating objects that are “perfectly imperfect” and where you can see my handprints, showing that they have been slowly handmade with love and care.

I like using textures on my pieces, such as vintage lace found in markets, or pieces of linen, jute etc. I make everything in my tiny studio at home in Bath, UK. I use mostly porcelain and earthenware.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you.


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